Initial Assessment in Trauma
Primary and Secondary Survey
After you after made the diagnosis treatment begins with resuscitation, IV antibiotics and a decision: "To the OR, to the Floor or to the ICU" know your ABCs?
The important consideration in the primary survey is that Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability and Exposure need to be evaluated and treated simultaneously!
Remember the spaces one can bleed and send themselves into hemorrhagic shock. This includes the environment, the chest, the abdomen, the pelvis, the retroperitoneum, and the soft tissues!
Along with systems, set up is important. Remember to organize your team and have life saving equipment available and ready. In this video I'll show you how I do it!
CITIZENSURGEON is a community that strives to scale surgical education to every corner of the globe and provide rich educational resources to trainees at every step of their journey. In addition, we seek to inspire surgeons to be balanced, happy and healthy in a time starved life.
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