I'm so happy you've come to CITIZENSURGEON.
You may be a medical student, a surgical trainee or a surgeon.
You may be a non-medical person just curious about surgery!
My goal is to provide you with up to date information to help you be confident on the wards, in the ICU, the operating room and of course to crush you exams.
We have a wealth of content here including videos on a variety of surgical topics from basic science right through subspecialty surgery.
We have resources for you to download and review for your studies
I've put together a collection a videos on some of the best resources to use for surgical education, methods to study and how to live a balanced life.
Jump to a video and get an in depth talk on a topic in surgery
Check out my daily blog, a collection of lessons learned as a practicing pediatric surgeon.
Check out the resources gallery and download the content you need to review effectively.
We're building a surgical education community, if you are serious about your education sign up and get involved!
CITIZENSURGEON is a community that strives to scale surgical education to every corner of the globe and provide rich educational resources to trainees at every step of their journey. In addition, we seek to inspire surgeons to be balanced, happy and healthy in a time starved life.
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