Small Intestinal Anatomy
The small intestine is divided into the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum and totals 6 meters in length. Each of these sections has specific anatomical features that are important for its function.
The small intestine forms between the 5thand 10th week of gestation and this includes herniation of the gut and return to the abdomen, canalization and recanalization as well as intestinal rotation.
There are many different histological features of the small intestine including the layers (mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and serosa) as well as the intestinal crypts that are critical to understanding small intestinal function and health.
If any of the milestones in embryology are arrested a congenital problem will manifest. If the intestine doesn't return to the abdominal cavity there is gastroschisis. If the intestine doesn't rotate we have malrotation. If there is a vascular accident we can have intestinal atresia.
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