Atomic Habits - A Book That Changed My Life

Erik G. Pearson MD, FACS

"I can change my habits more effectively by aligning my identity with the habits I need, for example, I didn’t just want to start running to get in shape, I want to identify as a runner."

One of the habits I’ve picked up over the last couple of years is consuming information. I hesitate to say reading because I get my information from reading paperbacks, reading kindle, listening to audiobooks and listening to podcasts.

Using the Libby app, which was a real game changer for the budget, I’m able to use my library card and check out all of the books I need, sometimes having to wait a bit but eventually getting the book or audiobook for my 21 days.

When I come across a book that I really enjoyed I’ll buy it.

I bought this one.

Today I’m going to share the book that changed my life this year and has been a game changer for getting healthy and building new powerful habits.

I read this book with the intention that I needed to change a few things in my life with respect to my health, I needed to be more active and adopt a healthier lifestyle. In this book you’ll quickly realize that almost all of our actions are guided by habits. James Clear gives structure to our behavior, guiding us on how to adopt new habits and break old habits by making micro adjustments…these micro adjustments he refers to as Atomic Habits.

I learned that I can change my habits more effectively by aligning my identity with the habits I need, for example, I didn’t just want to start running to get in shape, I want to identify as a runner.

Clear discusses how all habits, good or bad, have four common stages.

You have a cue that triggers an opportunity for an action followed by a craving of the satisfaction that an action will bring and then the response (action or habit) that elicits the change in behavior and finally the reward.

With several different examples provided by Clear I was able to change the cues in my life to develop the habits I wanted.

At least a few to start.

A Personal Example

For example, I wanted to do 50 pushups every day.

I needed a cue that I did every day to associate with the new behavior.

Every morning I turn on the coffee machine and while the cup of coffee is being poured I started doing the pushups. Within a few weeks the behavior became very natural but linking the pushups with the coffee was an easy change. This is an example of habit stacking, after I do (current habit) I will do (desired habit). It was an easy experiment and it made a difference so I started to take the book seriously.

Over and over again, Clear brings evidence and gives concrete examples about how you can develop powerful atomic habits.

This is a book I’ve listened to at least 3 times and I’ve read it taking notes and circling things at least twice. I refer to it again and again and I gift it to friends.

I highly recommend you grab this book, it will make a difference in your life by the giving you the tools you need to make the changes you’ve desired.

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